Monday, May 21, 2012

The Hour Has Come

The Hour Has Come…Wake from Your Slumber (Romans 13:11)

Last week I traveled with the Kenya Community Development Team and the Women’s Leadership Team from our lodging in Nairobi, Kenya to downtown Nairobi. We were to join a man named Pastor Boniface whom ministers to young men and women who live and sleep on the streets in the downtown area.We were informed that many of these men and women abuse and are dependent upon a glue-like substance.

It was 4 a.m., both teams woke early to experience the street ministry of Pastor Boniface. It was immediately noticeable upon arrival that there was not an assembled congregation. Why? It’s a street ministry and secondly, we were told they were asleep. Few expected to have church at 4:30 a.m., with the exception of those whom had previously encountered Pastor Boniface. He walked the streets, tapping shoulders, waking men and women whom slept. He lined them against the wall of a building in a seated position and instructed those whom stood afar to “come closer”, until we formed a semicircle around our seated congregants.   

Upon seeing the dark streets and silhouettes of those waiting, I began to feel uncomfortable. At one point as I focused solely on my lack of comfort and the darkness of the streets, I felt like this mission was hopeless and became despondent. It was in that moment, I began wishing my street ministry experience would be brief and particularly uninvolved. While I began to turn inward and withdraw it was Pastor Boniface’s voice which awoke me and encouraged me to “come closer”.

Pastor Boniface began to speak in his native tongue. I could not understand it, but knew he emphasized certain points as I heard Swahili phrases repeated. After speaking in an impassioned manner for 10 minutes, he asked if anyone had anything extra to share with the people. No one said anything, so we kneeled down and prayed individually with those closest to us. I was unable to see the face of the person with whom I prayed, as it was concealed by morning darkness, but I remembered praying that God would reveal his love and power to this individual. I prayed this prayer because I felt if this man could just catch a glimpse of the power of God he would leave his situation and run straight for the plan of God for his life.        

Well…I Got my wish, my experience was brief. We were headed back to Grace House (our lodging), the recent experience became a blur. I thought on the following as I headed back: I’d stood inches away from a stranger on a dark street, in an unfamiliar country, prayed with him, he smelled of urine, and his hands felt unwashed… 

Today, I was given the honor of visiting Pastor Boniface’s home. It was beautiful, neatly set on 2 acres of cleared land. It was bright not dark, like the place Bonafice frequents most mornings, while most savor their remaining hours of sleep. It was comfortable, I felt welcomed and in my element. Pastor Bonafice stated those whom made decisions to give up the street life are welcomed to his home, adopted in as members of his family. He stated when he travels places in the city he refers to his biological sons and his sons of his ministry as sons! Maybe I would have prayed longer, worked harder, knowing that God had an immediate and specific plan for those whom decided to change their life. Maybe I could have communicated more clearly why they should wake up.

My prayer: Awaken us Lord to the hurt and pain of those around us, show us your vision for your people, help us to draw closer to you long before you demand that we stand close to those in need and send us experiences, men and women who will meet us where we are, shake us and wake us from our place of slumber.

-2012 Kenya Community Development Team Member

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